Facts on Beard Transplant

Facts on Beard Transplant

What is a Beard Transplant?

To make it short, it’s more or less a Facial Hair Transplant that is done to get rid of bald patches on your face and create a full healthy beard for you! Facial Hair transplant or Beard Hair Transplant makes it possible for you to grow & maintain sideburns all while giving you a masculine appearance.

Loss of facial hair and the reasons behind it have been discussed on our blog before. Facial hair trends greatly change over time however the desire for men to have facial hair is something that has always existed, so in this article let’s discuss Beard Restoration Methods.


Beard Restoration Methods

As Dr. Gaurav has already written about the 2 types of Hair Transplant FUT & FUE before, let us talk about how the results vary. Regardless of the technique used, Bear Transplant provides excellent results. To give you a live example, we are putting the pictures of our recent case at Cult Aesthetics done by Dr. Gaurav.

Am I a Good Candidate for Bear Transplant?

If you are missing patches of hair on your face and need a thick full beard, then the principles and eligibility for Beard Transplant remain the same as they are for Hair Transplant done on the scalp.

For a beard Transplant, the number of grafts required can greatly vary, depending on the current state of your beard and the overall aim of the Surgeon to give your beard the best possible & natural look.


Does Bear Transplant Give a Natural Look?

This greatly depends on the skills of the Surgeon who is handling your case. The prime objective of a Good Beard Transplant is to always make sure that the end result looks completely natural as otherwise the entire purpose of getting a hair transplant is defeated.


What’s The Full Procedure of Beard Transplant?

There are few steps, let’s go through them one by one.

  1. Hair Preparation: Your donor area is prepared for the beard transplant by washing and shaving. After this, state of the art
  2. Hair Extraction: The grafts are extracted by the technicians and then prepared for transplantation to the new area.
  3. Placement of Beard Implants: The new boundary for your beard is marked (refer to the Beard Transplant result shown above for the same) and then hair grafts are placed evenly to match and complement your existing beard pattern, angle while keeping the desired density in mind.

In case you need to undergo a Beard Transplant then you may book a consultation with Dr. Gaurav by calling us at +91-9990449555

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