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The Best Age to Get a Hair Transplant, Is There One?

The Best Age to Get a Hair Transplant, Is There One?

Hair Loss in young adults is now more common than it has ever been. This is due to the major reasons for hair loss being a lot more visible in our modern lifestyle, be it the stress or genetics. Add to this the fact that Hair Loss itself is very common regardless of the age group. In fact, almost 50% of women and 60% of men worldwide experience Hair Loss. Also, as per the American Hair Loss Association, approximately 2/3rd of men experience hair loss before they reach the age of 35! This is an alarming statistic already.

At Cult Aesthetics, in the post-pandemic world, we see cases of Hair loss where the patient is in his early 20s! Something that used to be a rare occurrence some years back.  Balding after a certain age is generally acceptable since it’s a part of aging, however, losing hair in your 20s can be a very challenging condition to deal with for most. One thing that patients from this age group as Dr. Gaurav a lot is that what’s the best age to get a hair transplant? Let’s answer this.



What Is The Best Age To Get A Hair Transplant?


When it comes to young patients in their early 20s, recommending a certain age is extremely hard until the patient has been physically evaluated at Cult Aesthetics by Dr. Gaurav. This is because in some cases the hair loss cause or pattern might not be fully determined at a young age. So, in such cases, the patient might not be a suitable candidate for a hair transplant.

However, we’ve had countless cases of Hair Transplant in patients that belong to the same young age group, all of which can be viewed in the result gallery section of our website.


When Is It Better To Wait Before Getting A Hair Transplant?


If the surgeon has evaluated your case physically, then they might suggest you to wait as the goal of every skilled surgeon is to get a natural hairline for the patient. In case the surgeon feels that going in for the hair transplant early might give the patient an unnatural look then they might suggest waiting a bit. In cases where waiting is recommended it is usually till the age of 25, however, this too can vary from case to case!

In case you’ve made up your mind to get a Hair Transplant and are looking for the best surgeon for the same then Dr. Gaurav Solanki might be your guide! Contact us on +91-9990449555 to book a consultation with Dr. Gaurav.

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