Hair Transplant: What the First Consultation Might Be Like!

Hair Transplant: What the First Consultation Might Be Like!

The journey of getting a Hair Transplant is a long one. First, you take weeks or even months to contemplate all options, then with the brilliance of the modern age being at your disposal and just a search away leads you to countless articles, research, studies, etc. Then after that phase is over, the decision to get a Hair Transplant is formed, after which you cautiously finalize the Hair Transplant Centre & the Surgeon and it is only after this decision that the step of the real-life transitioning of your discussion takes place, and that happens during your first consultation. Let’s discuss it!


What Happens During The First Consultation?

The First consultation acts as the Window that showcases the quality of the Hair Transplant clinic and the skill of the Surgeon you’ve finalized for the Hair Transplant. If the surgeon is simply promoting Hair transplant without giving you a comprehensive breakdown of the case you have and your options then that might be a sign that you haven’t finalized the right centre or surgeon! 

The ideal first consultation consists of you getting information and explanations on your hair loss, the long-term solution for you, if it involves directly getting a Hair Transplant or would you benefit more by getting some Hair Fall Therapies first, etc, all these points play a major role later down the role when it comes to the results we’d achieve via the Hair Transplant. 


Realistic Goals

It’s important that the surgeon or the clinic don’t build up false expectations or promise you something that is not even possible to achieve. You must be smart in this process of gauging what kind of vibe the centre and the surgeon operate with, if they are saying yes to every expectation, you have then it might be a sign that you are simply being played.

A qualified surgeon who wants the best for his patients would only set realistic expectations and inform you clearly if you have set up false expectations from the entire process. 



This is the most important point! Your level of comfort should be good with the people at the center and the surgeon himself! Since you’d be in touch with them for a long period after the hair transplant as the results of hair transplant takes their own time to show.

You should never be feeling that your questions are unwanted as you have every right to ask whatever comes to your mind before going through a surgery that can literally improve the quality of life you’ve had. 



Even if you come to us for a Hair Transplant, we’d never advise you to directly book the surgery before hearing out what Dr. Gaurav has to say about your case and how your journey can be! So, you should never book a surgery without asking all the questions that have been in your mind for months due to the extensive research you’ve done.

At Cult Aesthetics, the vibe Dr. Gaurav creatives is that of a friend, a friend you can rely on for any query you have regarding your hair transplant even after the surgery has taken place.

A Testament to this statement is the wonderful feedback left by a recent patient

In case you’d like to consult us for your Hair Transplant then feel free to reach out to Dr. Gaurav directly at +91- 9990449555.

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