Shock Loss After a Hair Transplant Explained

Shock Loss After a Hair Transplant Explained

The concept of shock loss was touched upon in our last article on this blog. Let’s dive a bit deep into that topic with Hair Transplant Surgeon Dr. Gaurav Solanki today!

Shock loss is a normal side effect of a Hair Transplant surgery that is in most cases temporary. The only time when it can be permanent is in exceedingly rare cases, mostly only if the surgeon was inexperienced and careless about a few crucial aspects that unfold in a Hair Transplant.


What Exactly Is Shock Loss & Why Is It Normal?


Shock Loss is a hair loss that occurs after a hair transplant. It is not a normal hair loss and the hair that is lost is usually healthy hair! Shock loss occurs because the area of the scalp suffers trauma during a hair transplant surgery.

The incisions that occur during a hair transplant surgery while the grafts are being transplanted can often cause the hair follicles around the affected area to needlessly enter a resting phase.

In most cases, it is a temporary shock loss which is hardly a cause for alarm. However, as we had mentioned at the beginning of the article, sometimes the surgeon might be inexperienced or simply careless and damage the hair roots or other hair parts severely. This results in sustained trauma taking its course and eventually in rare cases even the loss even becomes permanent!


At What Stage of The Hair Transplant Surgery Journey Does Shock Loss Occur?


Usually, after a period of about two to seven weeks after a hair transplant surgery, the hair starts going into the resting or telogen phase. New hair will start growing very soon but this process might differ a lot for each case in hand.

Also, even in normal cases, new and healthy hair starts growing within 3-4 months while the full results of the transplant can take approximately 12 months to show.


How Do I Prevent Shock loss After a Hair Transplant?


This should actually not be your primary goal, to be honest, let the surgeon decide the best course and take a few preventative methods that might slow down the process or at least restrict it in some capacity.

The main focus of yours should be to finalize the correct Hair Transplant Surgeon and the correct Hair Transplant Clinic This aspect is easier said than done but that is what the primary object of these blogs by Dr. Gaurav Solanki is! Choosing an experienced surgeon would not just ensure that the Shock Loss aspect is handled properly but also the results that you eventually receive would look natural!

In case you’ve already decided to get a Hair Transplant or need guidance about the same then you may connect with Dr. Gaurav by calling us at +91-9990449555

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