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Does An Uneven Hairline Always Mean That You Are Going Bald

It’s not unusual to notice that one side of your hairline seems to be having lesser hair than the other. As we age, a lot of changes take place in our body, this same logic of change applies to your hair and the hairline too. Today we will talk about this change in detail.

As most people hit their teenage or early twenties, their hairline starts to edge slightly and starts becoming less defined. This process is what we term as a “maturing hairline”. This concept is common in both men and women. The concept of “maturing hairline” does not necessarily mean that you are balding, however, in many cases, it continues to recede gradually and eventually signaling the onset of pattern baldness (also known as Androgenetic Alopecia).


Androgenetic Alopecia


This condition is common in both men and women and is usually an irreversible condition. In the US it accounts for hair loss in an estimated 50 million men and 30 million women. The condition at its core is caused by a combination of factors such as aging, genetics, and even hormone levels.

The uneven hairline cannot be stopped; however, several treatment options exist that can help slow down hair loss and nourish the existing hair.


How to Fight an Uneven Hairline


Let us outline a few remedies, treatment options, and even lifestyle changes that can help you in fighting an uneven hairline.


Eat Healthily

Just like how what you eat impacts the other parts of your body, what you eat also impacts the health of your hair. Including foods such as antioxidants, berries, walnuts, leafy greens, sweet potatoes in your diet can be a good starting point for the quest of achieving healthy hair.


Make a Few Lifestyle Changes!

Managing hair loss symptoms by following a healthy lifestyle makes the entire journey easy. Avoid smoking or even excessive alcohol consumption. Make sure that you always at least try to avoid unhealthy food and regular exercise. The shampoo you use should be explicitly designed to promote hair growth and should be gentle.



Medications like Finasteride and Minoxidil are FDA-approved drugs widely used for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. Finasteride is a prescription drug that promotes hair growth by lowering (DHT) levels. Minoxidil is an over-the-counter topical solution, and its application can rejuvenate the hair follicles, all by enhancing the blood flow to the scalp.


Monitoring the Stress Levels

Stress can directly affect the health of your hair. Controlling hair loss can be easy if you try relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation and even breathing exercises.


Low-Level-Light Therapy

An advanced technology that uses laser emitting photons to stimulate the hair follicles and the scalp tissues thereby promoting hair growth. The lasers also increase the blood flow and supply essential nutrients to the scalp.


PRP for Hair Loss

PRP is the process in which blood that contains essential proteins and regenerative cells are injected to restore damaged tissues. The plasma is filtered out from the rest of the blood and its components for increased effectiveness. The filtered PRP is then collected in a syringe and injected into the scalp to promote hair growth. Besides increasing the blood flow to the hair follicles, PRP also has proteins that promote cell growth.


Hair Transplant Procedures

Hair Transplant is the best option in cases where substantial balding is there along with hair thinning across the scalp. Hair transplant is a great solution to the problems of bald patches and receding hairlines, especially when the cause of hair loss is genetics.

We have already talked a great deal about them, and the following topics might be resourceful.

2 Types of Hair Transplant

Basics of Hair Transplant

Hair Los Vs Hair Shedding

Concepts of Hair Grafts Explained

How Does Weather Affect Hair Transplant


Other Factors That Can Cause a Recessing Hairline


  • Smoking
  • Using harsh hair products
  • Using harsh hair styling products like chemical bleach, and even hair straightening.
  • Diet that includes a lot of sugary and processed foods and foods with saturated fats and preservatives.


When to Consult a Professional


  • If the hair loss patch can be easily noticed.
  • Hair is falling out in clumps.
  • Visible scarring on the scalp
  • Bald spots.

For more information and to book a consultation with Dr. Gaurav connect with us at +91-9990449555.

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